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Monday 21 November 2011

To Be Loved

All he ever wanted was to be loved,
the way he loved,
He gave his heart to the ones he loved,
but it wasn't enough,

They used him and abused him,
cut his heart out and bled it dry,
They left him there,
As the tears began to roll down his eyes,
for the pain he felt inside,

Looking for the one,
to make him breathe again,
Someone who knew and felt the same,
Gave their heart to him as he would to her,
longing to be with her,
as she yearned to be with him,

Both praying for the dream to start,
but distance has kept them apart,
He feels so lost without her,
and her without him,

The immigration process is the ultimate test,
to be with the one you love,
He holds his hands up to the heavens above,
is this the price we pay for love,
If he was rich enough he'd be there today,
but his not so he has to wait and stay,
For the process to play,

A loving pair with an average income,
£500,000.00 to invest in property,
would get you there easily,
Is this the way it's meant to be,
to love someone and have to wait and see,
while the rich have it so easily.

True love, poetry and pain download 

Copyright © 2010 John Bevan

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