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Wednesday 2 November 2011

He stands In the pouring Rain

He stands out in the pouring rain,
Standing naked from all the pain,
The teardrops fall from his face,
and  know's that he'd fallen from grace,

As he stands there in the pouring rain,
Forever deafened,
from the the screams that remain,
With the torment of sorrowed dreams,
and never knowing,
quite what they mean,

He stands there in the pouring rain,
Forever praying,
not to return again,
The words,
that run around through his mind,
Are things that he'd try to find,

He stands there in the pouring rain,
Thinking of the love,
Hurt, that drives you insane,
From the darkness,
that goes on in his mind,

He stands there in the pouring rain,

Will you think of him,
when he's gone yet again,

Taking his life,
from the shadows of time.

Copyright © 2011 John Bevan 

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