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Recently published my latest ebook. And now set up my facebook page under Stan De Mann.

Thursday 3 November 2011

They Came

Darkness falls across the sky,
Beams of light hit the earth,
No one knows why,
They came with wrath,
and birth,

Millions of miles they traveled,
and landed here on earth,
Living in the woodlands,
feeding on the wildlife,
They scavenged,
as they gave birth,

The screams were heard,
from across the seas,
As they devoured the innocent,
and brought us to our knees,
injecting venom,
spreading disease,

They quickly spread,
throughout the world,

Devouring the souls,
now living dead,
As we fight for survival,
with water and bread,
while those infected,
are eating flesh,
of those not dead,

The only thing,
that wasn't infected,
The venomous creatures,
had not injected,
digested themselves,
This is a day,
from living hell.

Copyright © 2011 John Bevan

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