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Tuesday 27 December 2011

Be There

Take a look at me,
look through these eyes,
See the pain,
That I've been through,
Then see the reasons why,

Cease the reason to be,
Through the hurt and the lies,
An empty shell remains,
But you say,
you already knew,
As I give out a sigh,

Don't say I told you so,

Don't say that you knew,

Don't wait till it's over,

To say I told you so,

I did it by myself,
I released the pain,
I broke away,
I now feel no hurt,
The wounds,
are now healed,
And just scares remain,
Vowing never to return,
To abuse,
Hell again,

Now I'm free from the torment,
Yet you say you already knew,
Never saying a word,
You just sat there,
and watched,

The pain I went through,
You knew what they were like,
You never said a word,
What do you need,


Listen to the screams,
Hear me cry,
Open my eyes,
and show me why,
If I need someone to talk to,
Whenever your son or daughter needs you,
Don't turn away,
Show that you care,

Be there.

Copyright © 2011 John Bevan

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