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Wednesday 7 December 2011


Suddenly you were there,
Shining silent love,
In my dreams,
I hold you there,
For that moment,
That moment when I'll be there,
I can feel you,
through that cool breeze of air,

My heart is at ease again,
There is no fear,
I'll fall again,

I see you,
as if you were here,
It soothes my mind,
Behind my mist filled eyes,

You are,
the summer light to me,
The sky is clear,
as I feel you next to me,

I dream of you,
In my arms again,
The love I seek,
I can see it in your eyes,
I can hear it,
when you speak to me,

Shining like love,
the flame I see,
I feel it deep inside of me,
And you,
You are there holding on,
I know now,
that it had never gone.

Copyright © 2010 John Bevan

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