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Saturday 10 December 2011

Don't Speak!

My ex sent a message asking me to call her the other day. Thinking that it might be about my daughter I phoned. She proceeded to go in to a long conversation how her ex psychotic boyfriend has started to contact her through Fb. I said why don't you get in touch with the police and then block him off Fb. She replied I know I should but I've been slagging him off as well and messing with his head. I am totally done with all that crap yet she still feels the need to contact me each time something goes wrong trying to drag me back in to it. I can honestly say that it's starting to make me ill. I have enough troubles of my own. Maybe it's better that way but not talking about things leads to secrets and I've been there and wore the tea-shirt. It only leads to problems in one way or another. She should be talking to her parents or partner if she's still with him.

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