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Recently published my latest ebook. And now set up my facebook page under Stan De Mann.

Monday 5 December 2011

Find Me

Look inside of me,
see the things I fear,
They're inside my mind,
Is this meant to be?
Is this what's to become of me?
Trapped in fear,

Time has past,
and you're still there,
Deep inside,
Killing me,
Set me free,
Release me,
Forever pulling me down,

Why can't you see?
Why can't you hear?
I try to tell you what I fear,
and what I'm trying to find,
Open your eyes,
see the pain I feel,
The tears,

Can't break free,
from these feelings,
The pain I feel inside,

have never been kind,
Twisting thorns,
wrapped around my heart,
The torture,
goes on in my mind. 

Copyright © 2010 John Bevan

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