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Recently published my latest ebook. And now set up my facebook page under Stan De Mann.

Tuesday 13 December 2011

The Rising

To find you,
Is all I ever wanted to do,
To be with you,
I hope you can see,
You've touched,
The very heart of me,

I see you in my dreams,
Will you save me,
From this deep blue sea,
Cause I feel like I'm drowning,
Things may not be as they seem,

People talking,
Twisting their lines,
Something different,
Time after time,
Never showing,
Giving their all,
A new excuse,
A new story line,

Awaken from this dream,
Clear the nightmares from your head,
Reading the stories,
That are read,
See through the lies,
The twists and turns,
That are laid in the mind,

I have no secrets to keep,
No lies to tell,
I've swam in the deep,
And arose from hell,
Your heart I would keep,
And treasure it well,
With a love that's pure,
And is known well.

Copyright © 2010 John Bevan

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