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Recently published my latest ebook. And now set up my facebook page under Stan De Mann.

Monday 9 January 2012

The Writer

The pain,
The hurt,
Mixed emotions,

The love,
The words,
Set in motion,

The nightmares,
The dreams,
with possibilities,

We set the scene,
and put them down,
For people to see,
inside our minds,

The pen,
The paper,
are laid here for me,
The thoughts and feelings,
are written to see,

and stories I tell,
Each turn of the page,
is a look inside the shell,

Anger and rage,
You can see it all,
The love,
The pain,
The fantasy,
Some of these stories are true,
and some of them are tall,

All hold a part of me,
So turn a page,
read them all,
I'll put pen to paper,
and write some more.

Copyright © 2011 John Bevan

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