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Monday 31 October 2011

Would You?

I lie in bed alone at night,
thinking of the things,
that have happened in my life,
and would I want things to be different,
Thinking of the things,
I've done in the past,
and how time has gone by so fast,
when I think of my youth,
and so many things were based on truth,

Would you be here tonight,
Would you be by my side,
With the pain and tears,
That we've both cried,

Everyone stares at me,
not understanding,
the things you see,
The pain and hurt,
You can see in me,
it's a pain I can't feel again,

Would you be here tonight,
Would you be by my side,
you know who I am inside,
and the tears I've cried,

The final destination,
takes me to you,
It's the only place,
I want to be,
it's me here with you,

Would you be here tonight,
Would you let me hold you,
You know how I feel inside,
there's no reason,
for me to hide,

Would you be here tonight,
Would you be by my side,
With the pain and tears,
that I've cried.

Copyright © 2011 John Bevan

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