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Monday 3 October 2011

The Rain Keeps Pouring

She doesn't realize,
that I can see it in her eyes,
The pain that's hidden,
deep inside,
The inner tears,
I see her cry,

The constant noise,
and endless drone,
To curl up in a corner,
then left alone,
No peace at work,
or quiet at home,

A constant storm,
the rain keeps falling,
No break in the clouds,
forever pouring,
no umbrella to shield,
from the constant beat,

As she sits and waits,
for her man to arrive,
To shield her,
from the rain that falls,
She knows,
he would protect her from it all,

It hurts,
to see her like this,
She has a smile,
She has a wish,
The dreams she has,
are locked up inside,

His only dream,
is to bring them alive,
Take away the sorrow,
and be with her tomorrow,

He knows she's hurting,
and so is he,
Distance keep them apart,
he wants to hold her again,
Feel her heartbeat on his chest,
to be there again.

Copyright © 2011 John Bevan

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