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Friday 14 October 2011

Witches Stew (for Hallows Eve)

The cauldron is boiling,
My coffee is black,
I'm biding my time,
for when the children,
come back,

I'm brewing a pot,
Squirrel skin,
pigeon bit,
And throwing in,
some bacon strips,
Just enough,
to grow hair on your bits,

White truffle oil,
and Swiss chard too,
Just enough,
To make you throw up,
and run to the loo,

Halloween is coming,
so run and hide,
I really promise,
not to make a cushion,
with your backside,

I have this sewing machine,
by my side,
And I'll sew a jumper,
just for you,
With this squirrel fur,
soft and new,

If you eat my stew,
you'll wished you'd died,
with these,
poisonous mushrooms,
and squirrel hide,
I've thrown in,
some streeters just for you,

Those pesky pigeons,
are vermin too,
riddled with disease,
just for you,
So Happy Hallows Eve,
and welcome to,
Eat my stew,
Then I can eat You.

Copyright © 2011 John Bevan

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