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Thursday 6 October 2011

The Vampire's Kiss (Inspired by the Artist: Boris Vallejo)

I held her in my arms,
for one last time,
The sweetest kiss,
so divine,

Her body glistened,
in the full moonlight,
As I held her in my arms,
that summer night,

I could feel her heartbeat,
through her skin,
so tender,
As she gave,
herself to me,
as if to surrender,

Offering her soul,
for that one last kiss,
From the forsaken,
to to give,
was her only wish,

A teardrop falls,
from the pain inside,
For she gave herself,
and I know not why,

My wings,
wrap around her,
as if to cradle a baby,
for I'd lost his soul,
and no one,
could save me,

She slowly,
closed her eyes,
as she gave,
herself to me,
It was right there,
I knew,
This love was true,

As she drifts away,
I whisper in her ear,
always remember,
I'll have you here. 

Copyright © 2011 John Bevan

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