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Monday 24 October 2011

Vincent (Starry Night)

No one knew how you felt,
on that lonely night,
When you took your life,
for the blows love had dealt,
You felt so alone,
on that starry night,
When the love of your life,
had taken flight,

The love you had,
was so pure,
so true,
The critics didn't understand,
they never do,
You poured out your heart,
on a canvas sheet,
The strokes of pain,
so visual,

Only an artist,
could know how you feel,
The Impressions you left,
never felt so real,
To the tears you cried,
and the madness caged,
For the woman you loved,
as she walked away, 

The agony you suffered,
the pain inside,
Shows in your painting,
of that starry night,
Feeling alone, 
as the stars shine bright,
You hurt so much,
for the lady of night,

If only she'd loved you,
the same in return,
Would we have learned,
would we have knew,
The pain and torture,
love had put you through,

Now you're gone,
though your name lives on,
I wonder if people,
will ever really know,
What went on through your mind,
To make you,
want to go.

Copyright © 2011 John Bevan

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