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Monday 24 October 2011

The Schools Fool

Do you remember the day,
when you first went to school,
The high or seniors,
and hoping,
We didn't turn out to be the fool,
Who was put in the corner,
or stayed after school,

The dreams you had,
of wanting to be,
I know it was,
or at least,
wanted for me,
But things turned out bad,
let me explain,
to help see,

At the age of thirteen,
I was playing with friends,
going out places,
having fun or at least it seemed,
Going to school,
was a complete chore,
From the very first moment,
you walk through the door,

Here's your assignment,
this is what you must do,
Take it home and work on it,
for an hour or two,
essays to write,
Mathematics new,
I'm to busy for that,
I've got things to do,

Little did I realize,
how it would affect my life,
The courses I dropped out of,
I regret for life,

When I was a teenager,
my dream job,

Was to be a designer,
of sports cars or bikes,
I dropped out of science,
due to not enough completion,
Homework was a main extension,
to becoming a designer,

As I got older it became to late,
Just because I was to busy,
hanging with my mates,
At the time I thought it was great,
messing around,
and staying out late,

I managed to get my qualification,
but it was to late,
now I'm writing this,
To let the young ones know,
Don't leave it to late,
Don't think So,
If you want to achieve,
your dream,
your hope,
Don't be like me,
I'm just a dope.

Copyright © 2011 John Bevan

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