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Recently published my latest ebook. And now set up my facebook page under Stan De Mann.

Saturday 22 October 2011

The Sorrowed Mind (Tomorrows Dream)

Hi All,

Just a brief hello and to let you know,My Book is NOW! Available on Amazon. to purchase a download of my Book of poetry simply click on the link below and look up my name.
The title is: The Sorrowed Mind,


I hope you enjoy it, the book covers the trials and tribulations within life.
There are some personal pieces covering my feelings of love, hurt, sorrow and joy.
Along with some dark and light Fantasy/Gothic poems I have also entered.

To all aspiring poets I have setup a facebook page dedicated to poetry of all kinds.
So please feel free to send me a request wishing to join. I have also sent out a request to publishers asking if they would like to join the site who could offer advice etc. on poets wishing to become published.

So please buy the book and I hope you enjoy reading it. As much as I have enjoyed writing
'The Sorrowed Mind.'

Kindest Regards


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