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Recently published my latest ebook. And now set up my facebook page under Stan De Mann.

Sunday 2 October 2011

In The Underworld

I was lost,
In my dreams,
No escaping at all,

I have seen,
the Demons and Kings,
Fighting the Holy war,

Angel's scream,
as the Demon's gleam,
Flesh and souls,
taken all,

I close my eyes,
and breathe once more,
As I raise up,
my sword for war,

I can't help but think,
I've been here before,

In the underworld,
In the underworld,

Burning flesh,
The demons of darkness,
take over my soul,

No control,
now I am damned,
In this world,
as I fall,
ever more,

In the underworld,
In the underworld,

In this fire,
The flames rage higher,
As my soul cries out,
forever more,

In the underworld,
in the underworld,

I am left here alone.

Copyright © 2011 John Bevan

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