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Recently published my latest ebook. And now set up my facebook page under Stan De Mann.

Saturday 2 April 2011


Every day without you, hurts me to,
It takes everything within me,
to see me through,
I love everything about you,
and the things you do,

You put a shell up to hide it,
to not feel it to,
But it puts up a barrier,
between me and you,
Before I came over,
we were closer than this,
To get back that time again,
would be my only wish,

When I was there,
I felt the love inside,
The thing you're trying so desperately,
to conceal and hide,

I said I wouldn't hurt you,
and I never will,
You see I love you so much,
and always will,
But please let me know,
how you feel inside,
So I can feel your love,
that you hold inside.

Forever Yours


Copyright © 2011 John Bevan

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