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Recently published my latest ebook. And now set up my facebook page under Stan De Mann.

Wednesday 24 April 2013

To Be Remembered

I've been away for so long,
And now it seems to late,
As one door opens, 
Then someone shuts a gate,

I don't ask for much,
Just a way to succeed,
But it seems,
Every corner I turn,
I'm expected to bleed,

Sacrificing a dream,
for someone else's pleasure,
Queen once said,
"Who wants to live forever,"

Love must die,
And we all do to,
If only patience,
Would give us a clue,
And the sorrow,
That's led me here to you,

The mind play's it's tricks,
Spins you around,
The splitting headache,
As you hit the ground,
Tears are streaming,
As it begins again,
And again,

Feeling broken and alone,
A sense that no one has known,
Each individual,
Ceases to exist,
No darker moment,
As the one like this,

Perhaps one day,
They'll believe in you,
Giving your soul,
do they have a clue,
Do they know that I feel the same,
That perhaps one day,
They'll remember your name. 

Copyright © 2013 John Bevan

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