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Recently published my latest ebook. And now set up my facebook page under Stan De Mann.

Thursday 14 March 2013

Ignorance Is Missed

The room is full,
but it's just me here,
There's things I say,
but nobody hears,
Nobody cares,
Nobody listens,

Only what they say,
is meant,
They try to deny,
but it's evident, 
The walls echo,
the words I've said,

Why do they ignore me,
is it my time to see,
What they truly are,
and who I should be,
To the people I've spoken,
with their blank expression,
The volume is raised, 
but there's nobody home,
Sometime it feels like I'm all alone,

I constantly,
Crash my head,
The tears, the blood,
the words that are shed,
Nobody listens now,
perhaps when I'm dead,
When nobody's here,
just an empty shell,

That's when I can say,
you can all fuck off,
straight to hell,
Take a good whiff,
of this rotting shell,
You're to late now Oh! Well.

Copyright © 2013 John Bevan

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