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Recently published my latest ebook. And now set up my facebook page under Stan De Mann.

Thursday 31 May 2012

The Damned

I have seen,
through your dreams,
There's no light after all,
All that I've seen in my life,
The torture,
The pain and the screams,
We slowly rise just to fall,
I've lost my way,
Lost my life,
Can't make sense of it all,

I have seen many dream,
Children screaming. 'No more,'
I've lost my love,
Lost my faith,
Will I make it back home,
Lose my mind as I fall,
Am I damned, broken in chains,
now I'm blind from it all,

Can I break,
Free from these chains,
Now I have no will at all,
Save my soul,
Take my hand,
and don't let go,
Or I shall be damned for it all,

Free your mind,
Free your soul,
Let me take control,
Set me free,
and I will show you so much more,
I'll open your mind,
to more than before,

Take my hand,
come with me,
Let me open your eyes,
I'll show you dreams,
Not yet known.

Copyright © 2011 John Bevan 

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