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Recently published my latest ebook. And now set up my facebook page under Stan De Mann.

Friday 17 June 2016

Who am I?

You left us at the door when we were kids,
Not old enough to know what road to take,
And boy did we make our mistakes,
Pursuing the things that made us break,
Not knowing which way to turn,
Sometimes our fingers would burn,

Not knowing which road to take,
No guidance when it was needed,
Where were you when hearts were broken,
To mend the things we did,
No words, when they needed to be spoken,
Those days are our memories now,

The scars are deep,
I just live day to day now,
My children have grown,
I only hope they know,
They're never alone,
They live with their mother's,
But I have few regrets,

Having to leave my kids behind,
Was the hardest decision I had to make,
And my one true regret,
But I had to find my self,
It's been five years now and I'm still searching,

Still looking for who I am,
Who I should be,
Hopefully one day I'll get there,
One day I'll see,
The person I am,
Who I'm meant to be,
I guess time will tell,
I'll just have to wait and see.

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