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Tuesday 7 February 2012

Earth (inspired by Michael Jackson)

Never thought I'd see the day,
The poles are melting,
breaking away,

Winters been and gone,
just a drop of snow and rain,
Now summers on the way,

People are optimistic,
it's not the ozone,
A decade has gone,
and it's all Oh No!, 

Burning forests,
Falling trees,
has the ozone perished?

Flash floods,
Rising tides,
Children trapped,
families die,
From natures destruction,
No one asks why,

Polluted waters,
Polluted sky,
No more water in land,
The earths bone dry,
The natural worlds dying,
and no one cares,

The animals fade,
fade to extinction,
Rain forests die,
for the human creation,
Oxygen depletes,
for the cars on the streets. 

Copyright © 2011 John Bevan

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