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Recently published my latest ebook. And now set up my facebook page under Stan De Mann.

Wednesday 7 September 2011

Come Away

I was battered,
 and broken,
These words,
that I've spoken,
These lines,
that I've written,
The pain,
that I've suffered,
I had to escape from,
The hurt from another,
And now I'm finally free,

Come away,
 come away with me,
Come away,
 come away,
save yourself,

You have captured my heart,
And the words that we've spoken,
our hearts have been broken,
So many times,
from the pain,
and lies,
I promise you,
We'll live,
our lives,
Leaving the pain behind,
Now that we are finally free,

Come away, 
come away with me,
Come away, 
come away,
be yourself,

Create your dream,
lets turn it in to reality,
and change our lives,
The way they're meant to be. 

Copyright © 2011 John Bevan

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