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Recently published my latest ebook. And now set up my facebook page under Stan De Mann.

Saturday 24 September 2011


Where am I,
Is this the reason why,
Feeling lost and alone,
as life passes by,
Yet, no one can hear me,
As I look to the sky,
and give out a cry,
For the love that past by,

Why can't you see,
What has happened to me,
This person that I have become,
The feelings inside,
Never trying to hide,
My heart, from my mind,
Breaking time after time,
and the reason to be,

The memories of the past,
kept in an hour glass,
The running of the sands of time,
repeating in my mind,
Giving my heart, right from the start,
My mind lights up that new spark,
as the heart beats fast,

Then after a while,
You lose that sweet smile,
and pain and anger ensue,
breaking my heart,
with a penknife to start,
now I listen to the old ragtime blues,
A drink in my hand, thinking of a lost land,
Isolated from a world I knew,
Beginning again,
Thinking of love a new,
with a broken smile.

Copyright © 2011 John Bevan

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