I was checking my fb today when I noticed a friend had posted something in reply to a question. Thats when I started to think about friends. Not just friends you go to the pub with or friends you talk to, but true friends.
I have had many friends during my early life, but to be true to myself. There has only been two real friends. They are both similar to myself in feelings, views etc. The first of these was Scott, we first met when I was in Junior and Infants school. I'd moved from Kings Norton (Birmingham) U.K to Maypole and put in to the local school and I mean local a one minute walk. Me and Scott got on pretty much straight away. I was alway being pick on and getting in to fights and my mom wanted me to get in to some sort of martial art to defend myself. That's when I found out that Scott went to judo once a week. My mom was keen for me to take it up. so we used to hang out quite a bit.
We lost contact with each other once we'd started senior school. It's only over the past 6 Months that we've regained our contact. Funnily enough he's going out with one of the girls from our year in junior school. I had a crush on her many, many years ago, even asked her out once which she declined. But anyway where was I oh yes! I'm hoping to meet up with him in May for a drink and chat it will be good to catch up.
The other is Andrew who I had met at Senior school again we had similar personalities during our teenage years. We lost contact when we used to hang around with a group of friends. A group of both girls and boys, we used to go to the pictures once a week. Watching films like Top Gun, Stand By Me, The Goonies and My Girl of course we had to watch these types of films because the girls wanted to watch them. I must admit I didn't mind I enjoyed most and all types of films. E.T was a tear jerker lol. The thing with hanging out with the girls was that most of them were going out with the other and switched around quite a bit. Andrew was no exception and subsequently went out with Sarah one of the girls. Once that happened he just disappeared and after that the group just seemed to disband. During this time I'd moved again to the other side of Birmingham to a place called Castle Vale. Nothing to do with Castles, in fact it used to be one of the old army Airplane landing grounds.
But my point is that these are my best friends, we've all been through tough times. One more recently with the loss of his father to whom I contributed a poem for. I look forward to catching up with them one day.
To Scott and Andy here's to you both.
Copyright © 2011 John Bevan